Organizations are on social media for one main reason: to boost their visibility. You want to get your message in front of as many people as possible, and social media is a prebuilt network that will allow you to do just that.
Even though some brands make it look easy, there’s actually a lot you need to take into account before you go viral. There’s a lot at play here; without a basic understanding of it, social media can be a struggle and feel pretty unrewarding.
Don’t give up! Here are our tips for boosting your social media engagement!

You’re Gonna Have To Post… A Lot.
Consistent posting is critical to maintaining an audience. You stay at the forefront of people’s minds, allowing them to learn about your brand and what you stand for.

Visuals Are Clutch
Most if not all social media platforms prioritize posts with images. The algorithm favors them, and users enjoy seeing them. Pictures and video are your bread and butter. Use them whenever possible!

Boost Engagement by… Engaging
When you get a comment or a message on any of your social media accounts, you should make a habit of responding. It shows users that you’re listening to them as much as they’re listening to you, and can even generate content in the form of short testimonials. Be sure not to feed the trolls, though!

Show Your Value
There are aspects of your industry that you know better than anyone. Sharing that knowledge with your followers keeps them coming back, and increases the likelihood that your content will be spread to a wider net. Help them, help their friends, and help yourself!

Hang Out With The Cool Kids
We just made a post on influencer marketing, and it’s something to consider! People that are popular on social media can have a lot of sway. Working with them can be incredibly beneficial, and get your content to your ideal audience (if you find the right people).

Buy Some Ads
Every platform has a way of putting your content in front of new eyes in exchange for a little financial investment on your part. You’ve seen them on Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, and every other site under the sun. If you want to reach people, you need to make room in your budget for social media ads.

Analyze Your Social Data
If you’re providing links to your content, you should be using custom redirects. This will give you a way to measure which posts are successful and provide you with insight as to why. This is a healthy practice that should always be part of your ongoing strategy.