What awaits you in the dark?

You’re all alone… And the lights have gone out.

Light your way with a free SLX demo.

There’s nothing inherently scary about the dark itself. When lightning splits the sky, a crack of nearby thunder shakes your walls, and your power goes out and leaves you wrapped in a blanket of shadow, there’s nothing in the room that wasn’t there before…


What Lives in The Dark Spots of Your Knowledge?

You’re moving through Pardot… Account Engagement? You can’t even remember what it’s called anymore or how long you’ve been here. Some of these doors are familiar to you, and some have never been opened. What’s on the other side? 

These tools are vast, with features lurking where you least expect them. How can you be expected to know it all and find your way out into the very real world of maximized ROI?

Are You Lost? You Look Lost…

You can feel it, can’t you? Their unblinking eyes… staring at you. Judging you. 

They know… They know that you don’t know what you’re doing.

Those closed doors and darkened hallways of knowledge beckon to you. At the end of the halls and under the doors, flickering orange light sneaks out. There’s someone waiting for you. They want to show you the way. Do you dare open the doors? Are you brave enough to walk those halls?

It Is Your Destiny to Ascend

Now is the time to show your organization that they made the right choice in bringing you on. You’re not the lurching, vile assistant! You’re the mad GENIUS. You can boost the visibility of your organization, convert the top-tier prospects that all those before you failed to secure, and prove yourself invaluable… You’re a scientist, you just needed the right lab.

SalesLabX: Building a Monster from Spare Parts

We open the skull of your org and find all those helpful little pieces that previously haven’t had any use. We find all those old custom assets, that data that was casually cast aside, and–perhaps most importantly–we bridge the gap between marketing and sales, eliminating the friction, and paving the way for meaningful collaboration.

What follows is a marketing monster using data and experience to make impactful choices and bring light to the dark recesses of your overall revenue generation strategy. 

New Life For Your Dead Strategies

Our designers can take the drab and unremarkable and make something so visually stunning that the human mind cannot even comprehend it. Our developers can bend and twist your landing pages, making them deliver a user experience previously unimaginable. Our copywriters know exactly which words to use to make your prospects submit to your whims.

And you’ll have your own personal Account Coordinator, who takes your goals and ambitions and whispers those aspirations into the ears of the dark forces at our disposal on your behalf. Together, the darkness becomes ours, and the things you once feared now fear you

Don’t let those dark spots in your knowledge define your time at your organization. Capable hands hold candles, and you need only reach out and ask for light.

Contact us through a series of intricate and otherworldly rituals, and we’ll appear in your bathroom mirror, our smiles twisted and plagued by too many teeth…

…or you can fill out the form and request a demo. This is also fine, though far less interesting.

But hey, it’s your afterlife.

Finish Q4 Strong: Unlock Your ROI Potential

Don't let Q4 slip away. Invest $995 in our ROI Boost Session and watch your returns soar.