1. Voicemail Conversion Rate

In a digital-first era, it is easy for sales leaders to get caught off guard with the one thing that your reps spend most of their time doing, phone calls. Phone calls are a huge part of your staff’s day and over 80% of your calls usually end in voicemails being left. Are you tracking how effective those voicemails are at getting results? If you have a CRM in place it is pretty simple to start tracking this metric, and it could be very eye-opening. Once you know which voicemails are working and which are not, it will be easy for you to scale those up to all your reps using off the shelf apps for your CRM or many phone systems now support this out of the box.

2. Email Communication

How often do you see deals being pushed back at the end of the month or even at the end of the quarter? Something that we have found that helps tremendously in predicting this, is having visibility to the last time there was two way communication with a customer on an opportunity report. If a customer has not responded to an email in weeks, and you see a close date of the end of the week, it is safe to presume that you might need to have a conversation with that rep. Automatic, real-time email activity will never be a replacement for good forecasting, but having visibility to an additional data point, at a glance, will always help your front line managers make more informed forecasting decisions.

3. Online Activity

Sales cycles are more complex than they have ever been before, customers do not want gatekeepers feeding them information. Your customers want to feel like they are in the driver seat and researching on their own. In order to foster this feeling make sure you know when they are on your site and doing research. Placing a small piece of code on your company’s website can send real-time alerts to your reps when a customer returns to your site, allowing your reps to engage with a customer on their timeline instead of feeling pushed by yours.
Need Help Setting Up Any Of These Tips In Your Sales Org?
Talk To One Of Our Sales Automation Experts Today, And Have One Less Thing To Worry About.
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