Why You Should Be Hosting Webinars

Prior to 2020, webinars were already swiftly on the rise. Since unprecedented times struck, they’ve only become more vital for organizations. You know your organization, and odds are you know plenty of information related to your organization that many other people may also want to know.

Hosting webinars about the subject prospects are interested in is a great way to turn those prospects into warm leads. After all, the audience who has the greatest need for your webinar’s subject material is also the audience who would benefit most from your services. So why wouldn’t you want to host an event with low overhead on your part that can assuredly generate quality leads?

According to Xant, 73% of leaders in marketing and sales report that webinars are the best way to generate leads.

Collateral For Hosting Webinars

When hosting webinars it is important to have a plan, not only for the webinar but for everything that comes before and after in regard to all the collateral that will be needed to help generate those leads.


This is the point when you have your webinar material ready to go, and all you need is the beginning half of marketing collateral. This stage’s collateral includes several essential assets that can help ensure the success of your webinar. You should include a mass email invitation to invite prospects to register for the webinar. Since this is only a temporary event this is a perfect opportunity to build out an Account Engagement (Pardot) landing page with an Account Engagement (Pardot) form embedded into it to register prospects for the webinar.

Other elements that are a good idea to include in this campaign, in addition to the invitation email and landing page, are social media posts and targeted ads. Posts are a great way to inform your audience and targeted ads are a great way to remind them of the webinar.


This is the stage that usually occurs right before the webinar. Here is where you should be sending out a reminder email to prospects that have registered. It can also be an excellent opportunity to provide the registrants a checklist of what they’ll need when attending (i.e. Pen and paper to take notes).


After the webinar has been completed is when you have a prime opportunity to reach back out to the prospects who registered. Make sure to send another email out to these prospects to thank them for attending. You can choose to include a recording of the webinar for the prospects who couldn’t make it and also a list of other upcoming webinars and events your organization might be having.

After this final stage, you also are presented with the opportunity to continue to stay in touch with these warm leads and pass them on to your sales team. It is important to also put these prospects on a custom drip or email flow for webinar attendees that reminds them of your webinars and other services you may offer.

Using webinars is a solid way to drum up new leads. When your collateral and marketing have a solid plan, it only further guarantees your success and overall ROI achievement.

Questions about using webinars to create leads? Fill out the form and an Account Engagement (Pardot) expert will be in touch to help.

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