Customizable Content


Einstein Behavior
Within the Salesforce Winter 20’ Release there are multiple new features and updates that are noteworthy. Account Engagement (Pardot) delivers loads of helpful updates with every release and Winter 20’ is no exception to this fact.
Check out the breakdown of everything you need to know for this release below.
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1. Snippets
Picture this, your company has to promote a product launch. Your marketers are creating a series of similar promotional emails. With the new snippets update, your organization will be able to create robust blocks of text, images, and links to place into emails or email templates. This allows that if there are updates needed to the content, the updates need only be made in the snippet. That way the materials using this content will automatically update.
2. Datasets have moved
Datasets are now available directly through Salesforce. All datasets created after February 11, 2019 will continue to updated up until Summer 20’, so keep a look out for that.
3. Customizable Marketing Content
Object Manager now offers Account Engagement (Pardot) Landing Pages, marketing forms, & marketing links with customizable options. This makes it easy in order to customize objects that meet your organization’s needs in Salesforce.
4. Engagement History
Your sales and marketing users can now have the ability of data exploration. This can be achieved by adding Engagement History Dashboards to a tab on account records. Account Dashboards can be used in conjunction with the dashboards on campaign records to further understand prospect engagement. Additionally, web page visits & automated email has been added to your dashboards. This data will appear in you Engagement History dashboards by default.
5.Einstein Behavior Score
Determining what marketing assets seal new deals is now an available feature of Einstein Behavior Scoring. Einstein does this by explaining how a prospect engaged with an asset. The data is all brought together by Einstein to decide which activities are likely to create opportunities. Furthermore, Einstein Behavior Score has been updated to be available as a column on standard reports. Allowing you to easily utilize this data.
The Salesforce Winter 20’ release is filled with useful information in order for you to make your Salesforce and Account Engagement (Pardot) workflow more efficient. Questions about the new releases? Fill out the form and have an Account Engagement (Pardot) Expert walk you through it.