When you’re creating Account Engagement (Pardot) emails, the copy is something that you should be heavily involved with, because if your email copy isn’t top-notch it can turn off prospects. Whether you’re having trouble developing eye-catching copy, or you’re having trouble not writing a whole novel’s worth or words, it’s important to optimize your email copy to drive engagement and increase ROI with your prospects.
The thing to keep in mind when creating content for emails is balance. Finding that perfect amount of hard-hitting content that grabs and holds the prospect’s attention isn’t always easy, but with a little planning and the right mindset, you can create the perfect content that hits all the right notes.
Many marketers and sales people feel compelled to provide as much information as possible to emphasize the benefits of their product, which results in long, wordy emails that most people will not bother reading at all. When a user looking to quickly clear out their inbox opens an email and is met with a wall of text, the most common response is “Woah, I don’t have time to get into all that right now, NEXT!” This is why it’s so important to keep the copy as trimmed down as possible, so that you’re only communicating the most important, most interesting parts of your message in the email to get readers interested and wanting to know more. Once you’ve enticed them with the “elevator pitch,” and they click the CTA button to go to the landing page, they’ve signed on to read a little more and you can add some more details that would have been too overwhelming to include in the email.
The other issue can be not having enough copy. This often stems from not being able to think of enough information to include in an email. If it’s looking a little empty, try thinking about what the main concerns of your audience are, and compose a headline and a few sentences that appeal to those. If your email has too little copy, try adding a secondary CTA like “Contact Us,” or adding another section encouraging prospects to follow you on social media. Or just offer an additional resource that goes along with the content you’re providing!
Powerful Language
Some words can become second nature when writing copy, but these words can be a little plain and might not add anything to the content you’re creating. Stay away from words like “good”, “great”, “very”, and “really'' as these can be considered to be boring or bland. If you find yourself relying on these words, try turning to your handy-dandy thesaurus for some vocabulary inspiration. Remember, you have limited space in your copy to reach prospects, so endeavor to make what you have as powerful as possible.
Prospects have a limited attention span for reading what it is you have to offer. In a world where they can receive hundreds of emails just in a day, it is crucial to be the one email that strikes them as being memorable. Getting your hard-hitting copy in exactly the right places is how you pull your prospects in and how you then gain ROI.
Want to learn more about writing copy for Account Engagement (Pardot) emails? Fill out the form and an expert will be in touch to help!
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