Email newsletters have become interwoven with Account Engagement (Pardot). Your organization’s newsletter can be used for any number of purposes, including providing clients with useful content tailored directly to them, promoting new products, or simply fostering continual engagement with your prospects. However, if no one is receiving the content then it serves no purpose, which is why promoting your newsletter is incredibly important. Promoting newsletters can take many forms. Here are several strategies we recommend to gain new prospects for your newsletter.

Planning: Consider Your Audience
No one knows an organization’s prospects and clients better than someone who is involved with them on a day-to-day basis. With this in mind, you may already have prospects primed and prepped to receive your newsletter content! Review your Account Engagement (Pardot) lists and determine if you've already collected prospects that would benefit from your newsletter.

Outreach: Finding New Audiences
You may initially feel as though you should keep your website and your Account Engagement (Pardot) environment separate, but both an organization’s website and email environment should always work together to maximize reach.
This concept still rings true when it comes to promoting your newsletter. Make sure the prospects visiting your website can easily find where to sign up for your newsletter so they start to receive that content. This is a straightforward way to glean new newsletter engagement but can be glossed over and not utilized properly. Adding a link or button on your homepage for sign up can help with this.