Not all copywriting is treated equally. One often goes into the process of writing for an organization with a one-size-fits-all approach, but over time, it becomes very apparent that this is a flawed strategy. Every different type of copy needs to be treated as a separate entity with its own rules and strategies. The sooner you figure that out, the better your conversion rate will be. Let’s look at how this impacts B2B copywriting specifically.

B2B Is A Whole Different Animal

When writing B2B copy, it’s imperative that you write with businesses in mind. This may seem like a given, but if you haven’t done much B2B writing, then you can sometimes find

yourself slipping into old habits. People writing copy usually start writing copy for B2C organizations, but a lot of the same rules don’t apply. B2C copy can be a lot broader in scope than B2B, as you’re casting a much larger net in a far larger pond. With B2B, you’re giving information to an entire entity, and you need to emphasize the value that your company can bring to theirs. If these other companies are considering yours, you better believe they’re also considering your competitors. You need to show them why you do it better.

Your CTA Can’t Be Brushed Aside

You need to bring these other companies into your sales funnel, and you need to make it easy for them to fall in. That means no hiding the CTA in some dark corner somewhere.

That puppy needs to be front-and-center! If you’re wanting your prospects to sign up for your newsletter, it means bringing them in. Showing enough value in order to justify the small commitment (be that through social proof or supporting data) is going to be key, along with language that puts focus on the right benefits. Show what they’ll receive by jumping in the funnel. Tell them upfront. Don’t just say, “order this,” as that’s more of a command. Let them choose to click that button.

Be Professional

When you’re writing for individual customers, you have a lot more space to be personable, funny, and relatable. When you’re writing to other organizations, those aren’t necessarily

the qualities they’re going to appreciate. If they’re looking to invest in you, they’re going to want to see that you take what you do seriously. They’re going to look for clear grammar, a clean landing page, and copywriting that clearly conveys ideas in ways that are tailored to them as a professional organization. That’s not to say that you can’t write in a way that shows who you are and what you value, but you should treat much of your copy like a "sort of job interview." Just remember who you’re writing for, and keep in mind that it’s a collective and not an individual. They’re reading with company eyes, so you need to be writing with a company pen in hand.

Look At Your Own Data

You’re not new to this. There’s a decent chance that your B2B business didn’t pop into existence yesterday, so you probably have some articles already written or pages

that are already live that are delivering a steady stream of data to your various dashboards. You need to make sure that you’re regularly examining that data, and updating your strategy based on your findings. You’re going to have articles and pages that perform better than others. Headlines and formats that are going to stand out from the others. When you find something that works, then you need to find a way to make it keep working for you. Look at specific wording, and analyze how far down your page a prospect read before navigating away. All of these clues can be assembled and used to solve a lot of conversion problems. Data is beautiful. Embrace your data, and in turn, strengthen your voice.

Talk The Talk

You know the different industries to which you cater, and you are in a prime position to write to them specifically. You don’t have to be overly complex in your terminology,

but you should include just enough to show that you speak the same language they do. If you serve construction firms, then drop some lingo in your writing that shows them how invested you are in what they do. Analyze their writing and see which words they gravitate towards. Once you’ve locked those down, including them in your own copy shows that you’re paying attention. If the other organizations can see themselves reflected in yours, then the choice to leap into your sales funnel and/or partner with you is made that much easier.

Mistakes can be made when you’re writing for any audience, and your words aren’t always going to find purchase. This will always be true, and to an extent, unavoidable. However, if you’re able to see the common mistakes all laid out in the data, and start working good habits into your writing, then you can be more and more successful going forward.

Still unsure that your copy has what it takes? Why not schedule a demo? We have designers, developers, and yes, even copywriters on our team ready to answer any questions you may have. If you have the potential to improve your organization, why not give it a try?

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