About Melissa Palacios

Meet your Marketing Account Coordinator

Hi! I was hired as the second Account Coordinator at SalesLabX just after graduating from St. Edward’s University with a Bachelor of Business Administration degree in Digital Marketing. I have recently moved back home to Zacatecas Mexico and am in the process of planning a wedding. I enjoy taking the lead in projects but even more, admiring the harvest. I love being challenged and constantly learning, just like automation- the possibilities are endless!

Interesting Factoids

You May Not Know


Soccer, attempting calligraphy, coloring books, and going on walks.

Favorite Phrase

“Pura Vida”


I love collaborating with others and taking initiative, and I’m always open to new challenges!

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Melissa Palacios

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Mastering the Marketing to Sales Handoff 🤝

This Wednesday

Are you tired of seeing promising leads slip through the cracks? Frustrated by the constant friction between your marketing and sales teams? It’s time to transform your lead handoff process from a bottleneck into a revenue-generating machine.

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