About Sara Lupi

Meet your Marketing Account Coordinator

I grew up in New Hampshire, and recently moved to Austin from Boston this year! I’m a Gemini, and love spending time with my family and friends.

Interesting Factoids

You May Not Know


Love to cook and bake sourdough! Always trying new cuisines, flavors, and food spots. Also, love traveling, nature, and capturing the moment with my phone.

Favorite Phrase

“Live Long and Prosper.” 


I enjoy a blended approach.

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Sara Lupi

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Live Webinar

Mastering the Marketing to Sales Handoff 🤝

This Wednesday

Are you tired of seeing promising leads slip through the cracks? Frustrated by the constant friction between your marketing and sales teams? It’s time to transform your lead handoff process from a bottleneck into a revenue-generating machine.

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