Everyone wants higher click-through rates on their emails. After all, that’s what makes all your email marketing work worthwhile! There are plenty of ways to make those rates rise, and often people get lost in the mud trying to figure out what to try first. That's why we’ve compiled a list of five tactics to begin increasing your email click-through rates.

Opt-in Users

The foundational step to keeping your click-through rate high is to ensure the prospects receiving the email aren’t marking it as spam.

Email communication opt-in should be presented as an option on every form that is filled out for an organization. Just make sure that it’s a cookied option, not one marked as refillable, so once prospects have opted in they won’t have to keep doing so.

The Subject Line

This is the face of an email before it is ever opened. It not only determines whether a prospect will open it at a glance, but it can also determine if an email server filters the email to the top of the inbox.

This is why making your subject line and preheader text strong is an important step. Use eye-catching words while avoiding being too spammy. If you're not sure what's considered "spammy," check out this list. Including emojis, dynamic content, and questions can also help create strong subject lines and preheader text.

Make Your Email Responsive

A huge percentage of prospects open emails primarily on their phone. So if your email doesn’t hold up well on devices other than desktop computers it can present a massive problem.

Test every email you send thoroughly. Preview on multiple devices using multiple email clients in order to spot and fix as many issues as possible. This is the best way to ensure prospects on your email lists are receiving the very best version of your email.

Pro-Tip: Outlook across all its versions will usually cause the most problems in testing. Make sure to especially pay attention to those versions to catch any issues.

Personalize The Content

When prospects feel like the content you send them is built for their needs, they’re far more likely to engage. For instance, if you send a small business owner content about your product that is aimed

at a large organization it can feel disconnected. Make sure you’re segmenting your email lists according to the needs of prospects. Also try adding in additional touches of personalization like dynamic region, name, and even language.

Send Times

For a lot of Account Engagement (Pardot) owners, this isn’t even something that is considered when scheduling an email. But it couldn’t be more vital. Knowing the best times of the day to send an email can hugely affect click through rates.

Generally speaking, the best time to send an email is from 9 AM to 11 AM on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. Click here to learn more about the best send times.

Increasing your email click-through rates doesn’t have to make you want to pull your hair out. Instead, start simple with the list above and see how your rates improve!

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